Eco Master

For hot and dry areas 

10% Lolium perenne-variety 1

10% Lolium perenne-variety 2

17.5% Poa pratensis-variety 1

17.5% Poa pratensis-variety 2

20% Festuca rubra commutata-variety 1

20% Festuca rubra commutata-variety 2

5% Trifolium repens

The superior Microclover is here combined with the very best of grasses which makes this mixture the perfect choice for sports facilities and lawns. Microclover with the tiny leaves and the stoloniferious growth gives a strong and self-regenerating sward of the very best quality together with the grasses. No or very little nitrogen is needed which makes it the ultimate sustainable solution.


Sowing rate: approx 3 kg / 100 m2


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